Table of Contents

1. Candidate Review / Feedback Flow Enhancements

                                                                                                                                                       Release Date: 25 April 2023

★ What’s New

Improved the Candidate Review/Feedback flow tab to ensure a smoother and easier experience for hiring managers when reviewing/submitting candidate feedback.

▶ Problem: 

Previously, hiring managers had to submit interview feedback, review, or survey for one candidate and then go back to the overview tab to submit feedback for the next candidate. This became inconvenient for hiring managers when dealing with a large number of candidates, as it required them to switch back and forth frequently.


▶ What’s Fixed:

To fix this issue, we have released the below-mentioned enhancements to the interview feedback, review, or survey flow.

[1] Added the ability for hiring managers to view a list of candidates who are pending for interview feedback, review, or survey in the same tab. With this enhancement, hiring managers do not need to switch back and forth for submitting the interview feedback when dealing with a large number of candidates.

[2] You can also use a search box to search candidate names and filter the candidate list accordingly.

[3] Added an ability to navigate across different categories of the candidate review, such as Interview Feedback, Category Review, and Survey. It also depicts the pending candidates' count in each category.

[4] You can find the candidate list on the left side of the candidate review page, and a detailed overview of selected candidates is shown on the right side. 

  • The Candidate List consists the Candidate's Name, Interview Date, Time, Job Title, and Round Name.

  • The detailed overview includes all relevant information about selected candidates, such as Resumes, Candidate Details, Feedback, Reviews, and Forms.

[5] Once you submit the interview feedback, review, or survey for one candidate, the system will automatically remove the submitted candidate from the list and brings up the next candidate in a queue. This way, hiring managers can perform multiple tasks in the same tab instead of going back and forth to submit the interview feedback.

[6] With this enhancement, the Overview section on the Employee Portal is also updated with the new categories, such as Interview Feedback Pending, Candidate Review Pending, Survey Feedback, and Pending Approval. It also depicts the pending candidates' count in each category.


★ Impacted Skillate Platform

  1. Overview > Upcoming/Pending Tasks

  2. Job > Upcoming/Pending Tasks

  3. Employee Portal > Overview